Wednesday, August 23, 2017

One Year of Breastfeeding: 5 Lessons Learned

It's a little crazy to think that over the last 12 months, I've spent more time nursing than anything else (I'm pretty sure sleeping comes in a close second, ha!). Breastfeeding has been one of my favorite parts of being a mom by far, but it has also come with its fair share of difficulties. As a working mom, making it to 12 months has not been easy, but I can say it has been 100% worth it. It can demand every ounce of energy you have and more, especially before your baby starts sleeping through the night. But the fact that God designed us to be the sustenance and safe place for our babies in this way--man, what a gift it is.  

I know not all moms fall in love with breastfeeding, and this post in no way is meant to depreciate moms who choose not to or can't breastfeed. Breastfeeding is not every mom's goal, or even doing it for the first full year, and that's ok. At the end of the day, fed is best. You know your baby and have to do what's best for them! This post is simply a reflection on our breastfeeding journey over the past year, and I thought it would be a great way to share some things I've learned along the way, especially in light of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month this month. These tips are mainly for mamas who are pregnant or freshly discharged from the hospital, but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any specific questions. I'm always here to help!

Top 5 Breastfeeding Tips for New Mamas     

1. There WILL be bumps in the road--but it's worth it to keep going! 

No mom's breastfeeding journey is perfect. Latch issues, engorgement, nipple pain, cracks/bleeding, clogged milk ducts, sickness, gas/reflux, lopsided supply, biting--it has ALL happened to me. But I'm so glad I didn't let any of those things keep me from continuing breastfeeding. Whenever an issue popped up, I would reach out for help either from other nursing mamas or the lactation consultant at the hospital where I delivered, and that made a world of difference in my confidence to work through things and keep going. I will never forget when someone told me to try to make it through the first 6 weeks--those are always the hardest. And they were right! You will eventually get in your groove, breastfeeding will become easier, and you'll be so glad you kept going! 

2. Find a support person (and don't be afraid to ask for help!)

I'm not sure if I would have made it as far as I did nursing if it weren't for my sister and sister-in-law, who were both successful with breastfeeding their babies, and received a TON of "what do I do?/is this normal?!" type texts from me this past year. I'm so thankful for them and their advice, and it made me feel less alone. It helps to have a supportive spouse, no doubt, but if you can also find a mom who has been-there done-that with breastfeeding, and really gets what you're going through, that will help big time when the going gets tough (and when you just need to laugh about the insanity of motherhood). When issues popped up that required more professional advice, I would call the lactation consultant, and she has truly been a lifesaver. Most hospitals also offer breastfeeding support groups, where you can meet other moms, have one on one time with the LC, and weigh your baby to check on their growth in between doctor appointments. I went to those several times while I was still on maternity leave, and it really helped me keep my sanity to know other moms were struggling with the same things and that I had a place where I could ask questions and get great advice. It was scary the first time I went and knew absolutely no one, but I'm so glad I did!

3. Take care of yourself. 

I am preaching to myself on this one--I have the hardest time with this. Drink plenty of water--120 oz. a day is a good goal. Eat a well-balanced diet, including healthy fats and protein (avocado, peanut butter, and veggies + hummus are the perfect snacks!). Staying hydrated and eating enough calories = a healthy milk supply, so taking care of yourself means you are taking care of your baby! And while it's good to get stuff done around the house during nap time, be sure to get plenty of rest and listen to your body when it's time to sit down, read a good book, or catch up on Netflix.

4. Get acquainted with the basics of breastfeeding before your baby is born. 

When it comes to breastfeeding, knowledge is power! Research as much as you can before your baby gets here, and it will make a world of difference vs. starting from ground zero with a hungry newborn in your arms. There are a ton of books, blogs, podcasts, apps, and even Instagram accounts that are great resources on breastfeeding (I'll be sharing my faves later this week!). I think what helped me the most was attending the in-person class offered at the hospital where I delivered. I was able to meet the lactation consultant, learn what to look for in a proper latch, practice different breastfeeding positions, and it was a great way for my husband to learn more about the benefits of nursing, which was definitely a good thing!

5. Create a comfortable nursing/pumping environment. 

You will be spending a lot of time sitting down, so investing in a comfortable rocker/glider/chair is absolutely essential. If you can find one with great back support, even better, since nursing (and taking care of a baby in general) can put a strain on your back. I also used a lumbar cushion for extra support those first few months postpartum, and I'm so glad I had that to alleviate my back pain. Next to the rocker in the nursery, I have a nightstand for my water bottle and snacks, and a basket with extra burp cloths, nursing pads, nipple cream, hair things, etc. so it's all within reach right when I need it. I also used a nursing pillow a ton when Gabe was smaller, and liked both the Mombo and Gia, especially for arm support. Once you go back to work, creating a comfortable pumping environment is a lot harder to do. Companies have made huge strides in providing pumping/nursing rooms for moms, but we still have a long way to go. If you will be going back to work, be sure to know your rights when it comes to pumping, and know that in most states employers are required to provide you a place to pump other than the bathroom!    

BONUS--Find a good quality nursing bra! 

Finding a comfortable nursing bra (and sleep bra) is an absolute must--you'll be wearing these almost 24/7 while you're nursing. I've used the heck out of my Target and Motherhood Maternity ones, but for Baby #2 I think I'll be investing in this one from ThirdLove! (And no, the dress I'm wearing in these photos is totally not nursing friendly, but we made it work for that half hour during our session, ha!)

So that's it, my top 5 lessons learned after nursing for a year! Breastfeeding has been such a beautiful experience and I feel so lucky I've been able to share it with my son. Wherever you are in your breastfeeding journey, know that I am wholeheartedly cheering you on. You are not alone! :)      

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Gabe: 12 Months

Photo by Linds on Life Photo
Well, we've officially made it through the first year! Gabe's birthday has come and gone, and our cup truly overflows. This year has been such an indescribable experience for Kyle and me. Every month more sanctifying than the last, so I can only imagine what the year ahead will bring. God has much left to do in this mama's heart!

As a way to document how much Gabe grows and changes, I've decided to do these milestone posts every few months. I wish I had this much info written down for the other 11 months of Gabe's first year, but alas, hindsight is 20/20. So thankful for everyday we have with our sweet buddy. Here's all the details on Gabe at 12 months!

19 pounds 11 ounces 

30 inches

Filling out 12 month clothes and wearing 18 month in some brands!

Size 4. I was so used to him wearing Size 3 that I didn't notice how tight they were getting until I tried Size 4 on him a couple weeks ago, and that fit a million times better. Huge #momfail on my part haha! 

Still taking two good naps during the day and sleeping 11 hours at night. Gabe is just like his mama--LOVES his sleep! 

Nursing 3-4 times a day in addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner solid meals. Most days I feel like all I do is feed him! Typical schedule right now looks like:

7:30 a.m. - Wake and nurse
8:30 a.m. - Breakfast (solid meal)
9:00 a.m. - Playtime
10:00 a.m. - Morning nap
12:00 p.m. - Wake and nurse
12:30 p.m. - Lunch (solid meal)
1:30 p.m. - Playtime
3:00 p.m. - Afternoon nap
5:00 p.m. - Wake and nurse
5:30 p.m. - Dinner (solid meal)
7:00 p.m. - Bath and bedtime routine
8:00 p.m. - Nurse and bedtime  

When cutting his molars, Gabe had a borderline high fever...but other than that it's been smooth sailing this month. :)

Molars caused more crying than normal for our usually pretty chill guy!  

Playing chase with daddy
Reading -- aka flipping the pages super fast until the end ;)  
Bathtime, specifically sticking his hands in the running water
Being outside/going for walks
Climbing anything and everything 
Standing up 
Clapping his hands and playing patty cake
Practicing "walking" holding our hands 
Giving hugs 
Giving high fives
Talking up a storm! 

Getting strapped into the high chair
Not getting attention for too long  
Getting dressed or diaper changes
Whenever we take something from him (which triggers a full-on tantrum--screaming/yelling and throwing his head backwards)    

Gabe has really amazed us with his language skills this month! He has 8 words and 2 phrases ("all done" + "what's this?") that he says on a consistent basis. He isn't walking independently yet, but he's soooo close. He can walk on his own behind his push walker, and is strong enough to turn it all the way around without falling down. He also will take a few steps with you holding just one of his hands, but if you totally let go, he decides to plop straight to the ground. His favorite mode of transportation is still crawling/pulling up. I don't know if teething is a milestone per se, but I definitely think one-year molars should be considered one (both for us and him lol). This month Gabe cut all four of his one-year molars (God love him), giving him 12 teeth total. He also is trying to brush his hair on his own, which has been the cutest thing ever. 

Places You’ve Gone:
Lake Oconee for 4th of July
Ama and Big Dad's house to celebrate Ama's 60th Birthday!
The Brooks' house to meet your new friend Lucas
The Brown's house for Young Adults' Bible study
Deanna's house for your 1st haircut
The Atlanta Athletic Club for your 1st birthday pictures 
Nana and Grandaddy's to celebrate your Birthday!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Welcome to the New Blog!

I'm so excited to welcome you to the new blog, friends! I've been itching for a change and I'm so glad I finally made the leap to create this new space. I have some pretty big ideas brewing in my brain, and this blog will be the perfect place to bring those to life. I'm excited to take this new journey with you!

I created this space to share everything I'm learning about life, faith, and motherhood. I love sharing our story with others as a reminder that while God works in big and mighty ways, He also works wonders in the every day and seemingly mundane! I hope that your time spent here will leave you feeling encouraged, inspired, and hungry to know the Lord more right where He has you. I am so thrilled to be "starting over" and I cannot wait to see what all the Lord does here in this space. So grab a cup of coffee, make yourself comfortable, and feel free to stick around!

A little more about me:

After growing up in a small town outside of Atlanta, I spent four years studying public relations at the University of Georgia, where I also met my husband and the love of my life, Kyle.

My husband is a Physical Therapist and I love seeing how he uses his God-given gifts to help others. He makes me laugh like no one else in the world and is my very best friend. I definitely married up!

I’m an introvert (INFP, if you must know), and while I genuinely love spending time with my people, I don’t feel like myself unless I spend lots of time alone sipping coffee and rediscovering joy in words and writing.

I love shopping, Starbucks coffee, and workout clothes (Soooo predictable. I know.) 

I love to plan a good party. I had my son’s first birthday planned since he was about 6 months old (because apparently when you become a Mom a whole other level of crazy takes over and you just want to celebrate all the little and BIG things!).

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of prayer, and still have much to learn about it.     

I spend WAY too much time on Instagram and constantly have to keep my heart in check on social media.

I'm the WORST at working out, but am slowly learning how to incorporate exercise as a part of my day as a busy working mom.

I have an insatiable desire to write about my journey of mistakes and triumphs. So this is my heart. Excited to grow as I share!